My name is Gabriel. I was born on December 12, 1952, before 5am in Bauan, Batangas, the Philippines when the church bell was ringing like an alarm for the early morning mass, as informed to me by my father who was a Fire Tiger born, and by an Earth Dragon Mother.
My family is practicing Catholic and we don't have an idea about the Chinese Philosophy or their culture and tradition, it was only in 1988 already married that I was able to know that I am Dragon born guy.
From then on, I delved myself into the study of this ancient art of Chinese Metaphysics.
Ren Chen - Water Dragon
My 4 Pillars of Destiny
Having a Daymaster of Ren Chen, the powerful yang water needs the metal stem or the Ding yin Fire to dissipate the tremendous energy of water.
Yang Water is best represented by large areas of water like lakes, oceans or large rivers. Their water is constantly moving, therefore Yang Water people are very dynamic and likes to move from place to place all the time.
Like water – which is able to go around objects and find a path through any crack – Yang Water people are very adaptable and can go around problems much better than other elements. Their nature is diplomatic and they do not use force, they simply find another way to get what they want.
This is the element type that achieves whatever it wants just because it wants to be free. If success does not happen for a Yang Water, it will go nowhere in life – and become a drifter. The entire impetus of Yang Water people is their thirst for freedom – Yang Waters dislike to be controlled or locked – so either they will be very successful indeed, or lose themselves and completely waste their lives.
Intelligence is the main characteristic of Yang water people, as they have outstanding learning ability and can absorb information from different fields in a very easy and natural way.
Yang Water are natural born entrepreneurs with outstanding ability to reproduce ideas and businesses which they notice in their surroundings. One of the best examples is Bill Gates who built a software empire by simply copying what other people have made and repacking it into a new range of products for the mass market.
Yang Waters are so called reflectors, like an ocean reflects and reproduces the sunlight – that’s how they reproduce ideas. Yang Waters look creative but are actually very fast and detailed imitators. Water has no color, it reflects, the sky or trees and whatever is around at the speed of light. Copy and paste sums them up; they see something and just copy and paste it… everywhere and anywhere it works.
Yang water can easily see the big picture therefore they are very good business tacticians. There is always something going on with Yang Water, like a deep ocean which carries new ideas ready to come up to the surface at any time.
They like social life, being with people and trying all kind of things, just for fun. They don’t like to be tied down and are very unpredictable about their next move, which sometimes can even cause a certain amount of anxiety because they are not often able to settle on one thing.
Although their nature is to run free, it’s very good for Yang Water to have boundaries, otherwise the water will spill everywhere and will have no direction. Therefore the best way to control Yang Water and give them boundaries is with Yang Earth, or even Yin Earth, if it’s strong enough to handle the water.
They have a very systematic, quick and sharp thought process. They are able to visualise the problem, see it from different angles, take in count the big picture as well and then come out with a solution. If a person is a well balanced Yang Water their thought processes rarely get distracted by emotions, but in the case of a weak or overly strong Yang Water their emotions can get in their way and cloud their judgements.
If they are not able to come up with satisfying conclusions they will ask lots of questions until they can. If Yang Water is weak they can become too analytical and might not be able to finish the process.
Yang Water has a very good memory, like a deep sea which holds various treasures and creatures deep down, the Yang Water is able to memorize things they find important and pull them out of the deep every time they need them, surprising everybody around. Their memory is selective and things which they don’t want to keep are simply erased, lost forever in the depths of the ocean.
Yang Waters like to impress people with their skills, latest discoveries or any bit of new information. Their self-confidence relies very much on what people think about them, so they need to keep up a smart appearance.
A highly developed Yang Water enjoys its superiority and rarely accepts to play second fiddle. Therefore they will do anything to get to the top. Less developed Yang Water people might suffer from inferiority complexes and as result sometimes they withdraw from society to avoid such situations. In fact, being useless is one of Yang Water’s biggest fears and when the situation arises they like to go into action immediately, just to boost their self-esteem. As long they are in constant movement Yang Water is healthy and keeps developing.
It’s very important to understand that all these qualities come into question when Yang Water is too strong, which means it floods over and all around and it’s directionless. In that case the person might be pessimistic and emotional. To have the positive qualities of Yang Water the water has to be in a state of healthy balance, or instead it will be in opposition to any positive attributes.
If Yang Water’s love their job they will motivate themselves to do the best, and there is no need to look over their shoulders. If one day they don’t see the purpose of their work, they will simply leave, regardless of whether another job is waiting for them or not.
They do not waste time at work, but if they want to entertain themselves with something they will do so, clearly and openly.
With their co-workers they are sociable and diplomatic and they get along quite easy with everybody.
Highly developed Yang Water does not engage in power struggle with their colleagues, they have their focus on something far bigger. The less developed Yang Water tends to be involved in lots of dramas and petty disputes amongst its co-workers.
Yang Waters don’t like to take risks or spend money; it will turn every coin 5 times before they decide to spend it. So, getting money out of Yang Water is very hard, unless they are paying for something they are really into. They are the great copy cats of all the element types and they like to stick to things which have been proven to work. As they are quick to catch anything around about, they need to decide on their career, so they do not become an insignificant jack of all trades. In cooperation with suitable partners, they can go beyond their tendency to be limited and become truly great. In fact, Yang Waters are very good managers and leaders; they take care of every aspect of the business, especially making sure that all the paperwork is clear and the costs are down!
They are fully aware of what their business associates and colleagues are doing and ready any time to ask the right questions to stay in the loop. As leaders they enjoy sharing opinions with their colleagues and subordinates, as they have an open mind and will count them in, but that doesn’t mean they will follow everything people tell them.
In the case of a less developed Yang Water, the opinions of others can make them confused and make them constantly change their minds, due to lack of inner control and direction. A highly developed Yang Water has a good sense for business, marketing, finances, risk management and creating business plans. They usually have good connections but their pride sometimes stops them from asking for help – which can prove to be their ultimate downfall.
On other hand, either too strong or too weak Yang Water might be too calculative, pessimistic and over analytical so their business prospects will be rather low.
A good Yang Water always has a big picture of their business and are able to see the connection between the now and the future. Yang Waters are simply dreamers, but with the ability to bring those dreams to reality, but only if their water is well balanced or is going through a lucky element period.
Yang Waters are conservative spenders and usually it takes them a long time to make the first step. But once they have collected all the necessary information about a certain business, they go fully in, ready and keen to make it huge and reach their ultimate goal; financial freedom.
When it comes to investments, Yang Waters rarely use advice from specialists, although they might ask questions. They like doing their own research and to make up their own minds. One of the best examples is Warren Buffet who made a fortune simply by following his own system of investments. He would rarely take risks and would go only for particular investments in which he fully believed.
Friendship and Relationship
Being the water element, Yang Water always seeks for balance, therefore people often come to them for advice, knowing they will give them right-minded advice. They do not talk much, but when they do they are honest, sometimes even brutally honest.
The water element also likes to keep themselves clean, therefore they will always try to find a way out of a troubling relationship or dodgy business partnership. They simply cannot handle any kind of relationship drama, that’s just not their thing!
Yang Water makes friends easily; connecting with everything around is their natural state and people are attracted to them like thirsty men to water.
In free time they like to attend some big parties, dances… anything that involves people and movement.
But due to their dual and moody nature, which is typical for water people, not so many people are able to get near enough to fully understand Yang Water and only a few get access to their true feelings.
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Famous people
Bill Gates, James Earl Jones, Anthony Quinn, Marlon Brando, Farrah Fawcett, Emily Blunt, Alan Sugar, Chris Rock, Colin Powell, Jimmy Page, R. Kelly, Tom Cruise and Kate Middleton.
Romance & Relationship
Throughout history Dragons were mythical creatures, often imagined to have been real once, long ago. Of all the animals, Dragons are the stuff of dreams and stories. They are iconic and represent both valour and dread. So, any Dragon is simply born to be outstanding amongst all others.
To make it even better, in reality, Dragons don’t have to study nor work hard, they are just naturally gifted. Dragons are quite simply very smart. This is not just about image – you know a lot about a lot, especially about quality, acquisitions, wealth, money and on top of all that, you are a charismatic host; the leader of the gang; the innovator amongst innovators; the tycoon with a big fat cigar; and the front-of-house impresario. If an event or show needs a star, call upon a Dragon. If you need to produce a movie, sign up a Dragon and it is done.
Imagine Bruce Lee, sizing up an opponent before he fights. Imagine Bing Crosby in a tuxedo, bow tie and top hat. Imagine Rihanna, strutting her stuff in a pumping video. Sandra Bullock, flicking from one screen persona to another completely different one… Marlene Dietrich, Noel Coward, Zsa Zsa Gabor… Get the picture? There you have the Dragon.
You are bigger than life – and you know it. Twice as impressive as anybody else, thrice as magnificent, and ten times more excellent. Stylish, flashy, dramatic, over the top, and simply… phenomenal. In short, there is no real animal that’s big enough, majestic enough, or glorious enough to represent the real creature you are.
Business & Career
Dragons were born to be seen – at the front, at the top, in charge, in the head position… and they always make it. The most impressive thing is, if possible, they achieve it without seeming to do a thing…
So, if you try and put a Dragon in a lowly job, beware! If you skip over them for promotion, look out! Dragons quite simply fit very well into leadership roles and any corporation would be unfortunate to be without one at its head.
In truth, you Dragon’s don’t really like working because you can always see the next best, greatest, most amazing thing to do and then why not leave the last, old, average thing for the other mortals to complete? You like the glory, the position, the dosh and the prestige, and luckily you don’t ever have to work too hard – why? Well, three reasons.
One: Dragons have all the greatest, most amazing, endless, innovative and fantastically original ideas… or should we say they have the most crazy, unrealistic, foolish and plain impractical ones? But, one day they become the new reality, the latest trend, the funkiest innovation and basically, the Dragon just won’t stop churning them out, so we all better get used to it!
Second: Dragons can easily rip off other people’s greatest ideas and pretend they are theirs!
Third: those great ideas – theirs in particular – will make them so inspired they will be propelled to the top of any company or corporation they work for.
And last but not least, they are especially lucky and constantly win; are given or inherit great financial rewards; and accidentally find it, to boot!
All in all, Dragons are the original money magnets – and you were born to rise to the very top – and stay there.
Romance & Relationship
Having a relationship with a Dragon is not a light affair. They expect the very best, and then even more! They expect total commitment and adoration – and nothing less will do. In return, Dragons can give much more than any other sign, just because, you are the Dragon; more lively, extraordinary, glorious, greater, more and more… and even more.
Thus you are encircled by wannabes – who want you – and only you. They like the fact you are hard to get! So, you can have many close liaisons, but will stay fully in control. So, the Dragons mate should feel lucky – and enjoy! The rewards for commitment to a Dragon are endless gifts, plenty of thrills and trips to fun places; but beware, when the Dragon has had enough of you, which it generally does after a while – because everyone else can hardly keep up with them – you will be deleted from their social list, without a murmur nor a moment’s hesitancy.
You are very enthusiastic towards sex, as long as you are surrounded by luxurious settings and props. Sex for you is way of expressing yourself and is very important. You are an imaginative and energetic lover – extremely passionate – but you do tend see your partners as there for your pleasure – and you aren’t reserved or prudish when it comes to sex, and you like a lot of experimentation and variation.
The Dragon naturally selects its mate – and that mate should just accept and enjoy, and feel how lucky they are. So, be warned, you can’t seduce a Dragon – but you can be seduced, no two ways about it; they enjoy the mating game and the thrill of the seduction process.
As for marriage, Dragons don’t. The only way a Dragon marries is if there is absolutely no choice! You cannot train nor even tame a Dragon. If they do say “yes”, then expect a show, in only the way a Dragon can do it… Once you Dragons agree to tie the knot, you expect the marriage to last, including the next time and the next time and…; frankly, Dragons are not to be kept in a gilded cage and so, ‘until death do us part’ is not in their repertoire. However, if Dragons do fall in love, you are very faithful and you and your partner will enjoy a long and fulfilling sexual and emotional relationship.
One word of warning; if anyone wants to be unfaithful to Dragons just understand one thing… Dragons don’t ever forget nor forgive very easily. You have been warned!
Dragons have very strong family bonds and connections, but in general, they try to avoid having their own family. Dragons prefer to enjoy the uncle or aunt roles to its relations’ children than to be really involved in a day in day out basis.
So, for the Dragon, no diaper changing please – giving expensive gifts, playing with the kids toys – and them as well, is by far enough.
However, the Dragon is exceptionally caring towards its family and never misses birthdays, family celebrations and anniversaries. So, you have been warned – a Dragon won’t forgive you for trying to change any family customs!
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Relationships with other signs
Dragon – Intensity, can be favourable or unfavourable depending on character.
Snake and Rabbit – Helps you grow, gives support but can be uncomfortable. Will support each other in an external sense, but will not share any true inner communication.
Tiger and Horse – Brings opportunities and growth. Compatible elements, eager to exchange and work together.
Goat and Ox – Brings challenge and conflict. Tremendous growth is possible under this stressful aspect.
Monkey and Rat – Comfortable, harmonious, brings creativity and expansion.
Pig and Rooster – Difficult to communicate with each other, requires adjustment and adaptation. Since they have little in common, it is difficult to harmonize their energies.
Dog – Confrontation, against each other. Through an opposition, a person has an opportunity to gain greater awareness of himself/ herself and others. Sometimes, these forces cannot be resolved and the only solution is to compromise.