Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Conjunction of Saturn-Mars-Jupiter in Capricorn

What are the effects of Stellium Mars-Saturn-Jupiter in Capricorn on all Zodiac Signs?

The year 2020 is all about pretty planetary grouping or conjunction. After too many stelliums in Sagittarius, the focus of the solar system has shifted to Capricorn. The spacecraft of Jupiter and Mars is transiting out of Sagittarius and entering Capricorn. What a great financial year, to begin with! Jupiter and Mars are transiting in the house of Saturn, Capricorn. Saturn in Capricorn from January 24, 2020, is waiting and planning the welcome party for Jupiter and Mars. Mars will enter Capricorn on March 22, 2020, so Capricorn will boast the malefic energy until Jupiter joins them on March 30, 2020. The meeting of three stalwarts (planets) will continue for 35 days until May 4, 2020. Generally, the combination of two malefic planets is never good for the benefic planet. However, the powerful conjunction in Capricorn is unusual as Jupiter in Capricorn is very strong to handle or resist the malefic energy of Saturn and Mars. The rare thing that is going to happen during this transit is Jupiter and Saturn are going to come very close to each other that too after almost 20 years. Not only will they be close to each other, but they also will be retrograding together in Capricorn in the month of May. 

According to Vedic Astrology, three planetary conjunctions are going to activate the signs of Cancer and Capricorn by being together in Capricorn. Karma (Saturn),  divine (Jupiter), and action (Mars) will trigger both Cancer and Capricorn and hence, the house in which these signs are placed will get activated. The natives will find the massive changes or transformation in the areas of life which are represented by the activated houses. You can explore which house is going to get activated by this super transit of 35 days by availing Free Janam Kundali Analysis. The powerful conjunction of Mars-Jupiter-Saturn in Capricorn may lead to a massive transformation and may either reward you or crush your hopes and goals.  Find out what is in store for you! 

Effects of the Conjunction of Saturn-Mars-Jupiter in Capricorn on my Moon Sign


For Scorpio natives, the super conjunction of three planets, Jupiter-Mars-Saturn will be passing through the 3rd house, the house of enterprise.
Professional life
  • You may find the ease of working and have a good fortune. So you are advised to use this time to contemplate the mistakes that have been holding you back from achieving your 100% productivity at the workplace. 
  • Your self-confidence and communication skills may increase. Stability in professional life is foreseen. 
  • You are advised to play safe when it comes to money matters as chances of unexpected expenses cropping up are foreseen. You can delve into all the unexpected and challenging situations by getting Personalized Jupiter Transit Report.
  • It would be better to avoid quick money-making schemes. Your financial judgment may prove wrong.
  • This period may inspire you to get a little detached from friends and involve in something stimulating. You are advised to pay more attention to relationships. 
  • You are advised to act with a balanced mind to avoid disruptions. You can avoid all disruptions by inspecting the Personalized Saturn Transit Report.
  • You are likely to maintain good health. You may feel comfortable and healthy during this period.
  • No major health issues are foreseen during this phase.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Western Astrology

Astrology without alchemy is like having a tool shed with no tools. To transmute the mind, ancient cultures recognized a code unique to the individual. Using the symbols in our full birth chart, we apply their archetypes to the alchemical function correlated to them.  When added to the astrological correlations of the Sephirot, or any other system of alchemy, we have a more well-rounded understanding of how our personal mental chemistry works. The different planets applied to them should be understood through the idea they represent. Assuming everyone understands the concepts behind the zodiac sign, here's what I mean:

Sun - conscious personality 
Moon - subconscious, habits, instincts 
Rising - appearance, life trajectory 
Mercury - communication, intellect
Mars - action, desire, aggression 
Venus - love, beauty, art, values
Jupiter - expansion, optimism
Saturn - restriction, structure
Uranus - rebellion, eccentricity, breakthrough 
Neptune - imaginations, dreams
Pluto - transition, compulsion, power
N. Node - potential
S. Node - karmic past
Chiron - point of healing
Lilith - allure, temptations, inner darkness 
Selena - higher purpose, inner light

- Houses -
1st - self, personality 
2nd - finances, possessions, self-worth
3rd - communication, education 
4th - home, family
5th - romance, play, self-expression
6th - health, fitness, work habits
7th - contracts, business relationships 
8th - merging, joint resources, inheritance 
9th - philosophy, travel, cross-cultural relations 
10th - career, long-term goals
11th - friends, groups, humanitarianism
12th - subconscious, spirituality

Sulphur - active masculine, dry solid, Soul,
Air/Fire, essence and purpose

Mercury - passive feminine, cold liquid, Spirit,
Water/Air, energetic force

Salt - physical form, Body, 
Earth/Water, structured thought

Once we understand how they relate to us individually, we use the paired concepts to decipher the meanings of alchemical artwork. Artists put symbols in certain places to convey an idea of what we're supposed to do with the archetypes. Each house is ruled by a zodiac so their symbols are typically implied but not always used. 

From beginning to end, the alchemical cycle is Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Gold. Apply the concepts of your birth chart to begin. This is not the only way to do it, but it is the most basic. 

As the saying goes, the weak-minded are ruled by their stars, the strong-willed rule over them all. Our birth chart is our cosmic fingerprint for this life and their chemistry forms the blueprint for our programming. Using alchemy, we can transmute the zodiacs' lower nature into their higher state. 

A good way to understand this is by watching the evolution of Scorpio. At its base form, the scorpion crawls on the ground. Its ancient symbol, the eagle, denotes a higher perspective, but its final form is the phoenix. More info about this can be found online. 

Cardinal - begin, create, birth (Generate)
Fixed - reversion, maintain (Operate)
Mutable - transform, death (Destroy)

Using these traits of the zodiac signs, along with the traits of the 4 elements, it is relatively easy to figure out how it all works - YHUH. Once we rise above the limitations of our programming, we can incorporate traits from the other signs. Each sign has their light and shadow aspects. Once we are no longer controlled by their shadows, we can use them to our advantage. Using the archetypes against and with each other is alchemy.

Aries - sense of urgency motivated by enthusiasm, dynamic
Cancer - emotional assertion, intuition 
Libra - balanced and unbiased, urbane
Capricorn - practical, down to earth, reserved

Taurus - stubborn momentum
Leo - creatively adapts to impress and maintain power, adapts environment to goals
Scorpio - emotional reactions, underlying influences, magnetic
Aquarius - fixed beliefs, morals, livelihood 

Gemini - versatile, adapts goals to fit the environment
Virgo - organization and critical analysis 
Sagittarius - seeker of knowledge, end of ignorance 
Pisces - dissolution, detachment from this world
Aries - selfish, impulsive
Cancer - overemotional, clingy
Libra - indecisive, gullible
Capricorn - pessimistic, grudging

Taurus - jealous, resentful
Leo - patronizing, intolerant
Scorpio - secretive, obstinate 
Aquarius - perverse, unpredictable 

Gemini - nervous, cunning
Virgo - worry, overcritical
Sagittarius - irresponsible, tactless
Pisces - escapism, weak-willed

Understanding Life Purpose based on Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology views life's purpose through the lens of Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha, aligning with the broader philosophical concep...